All About CamCon!

What is CamCon?

CamCon stands for Cambridge Convention and is the largest of its kind in the East Anglia region. It is a multi-genre "geek culture" convention, which caters for all genres of fandom from anime to gaming, sci-fi, comics and everything in between!

Originally an idea discussed at a Japanese festival, CamCon's development started in a Facebook group, which was created to discuss the idea of a Cambridge based convention. Since then with the help the fans, CamCon grew into a fully successful event with its first appearance being in May 2012.

Our social media based beginnings have also dubbed us as a fully interactive convention and given us the tagline "The Con that's about you!"

Now in our third year, CamCon is bigger and now boosts twice the activity as previously shown. Want to know about all the exciting stuff we have in store? Check out the website to find out what's on offer this year and keep us bookmarked for the latest news. Be sure not to miss out!

CamCon 2014 is proud to be sponsored by:

Website designed and maintained by brokenxskies. Cambi logo copyright to Sonia Leong.